Производство микроцементов ОТДВ - растворов для инъектирования, тампонажа, закрепления грунтов


     The technical and economic efficiency of cementation of soil is confirmed by many years of practice. The demand for such technologies is determined by the mobility and compactness of technological equipment, insignificant noise and environmental stresses on the environment, the ability to exercise almost continuous control over the quality of production. The use of such technologies in geotechnical construction makes it possible to avoid mechanical impacts on structures, so that technological precipitation does not occur, which is the main competitive advantage over other methods. Of all the variety of cementation technologies for anchoring soils, the following are the most widely spread:

  • Injection carburizing in the impregnation regime of the pore structure of the soil with the use of finely dispersed binders (micro cement) and cuff technology
  • jet carburizing of soils on one- and two-component technology (Jet-1 and Jet-2)
  • compression-discontinuous cementation of the soil massif
  • filler carburizing

      For cementation of soils, both general cements and special materials on a mineral basis, such as micro cement, activated bentonite, mineral microfillers, and combinations thereof, are used. It should be noted that for the consolidation of soils, mainly sandy, they traditionally use chemical ingredients (polymer resins, silicates, etc.). But recently micro-cement has been favored because of their ecological neutrality, manufacturability, relatively low cost, increased durability and water resistance.


     A prerequisite for the injection of soil is the preservation of the specified design properties of the soil-concrete massif for the entire lifetime of the structure, for which the soil structures are impregnated with aqueous suspensions based on micro-cement. After solidification a soil-concrete massif with guaranteed properties and geometric dimensions is formed. At the same time, the range of tasks to be solved is extremely wide, among them:

  • strengthening the foundations of foundations of bridge structures
  • Increase of bearing capacity of piles by means of a device of shroud or root broadening
  • strengthening inter-puncture pit space
  • the device of the pillars during underground penetration
  • lowering the mark of existing foundations in order to form an underground space under existing buildings
  • device of anti-fouling curtains
  • restoration of the quality of the excavating space of tunnels, etc.

     Microcements of the brand "COLLOID" produced in the company "Estima" fully meet the strict requirements for materials for injection technologies. And for some technical parameters, such as compressive strength at the age of 1 and 2 days - exceeds all similar products.